Loti Wellness


Looking for a subscription box that will encourage self care, personal growth and wellness? 2020 should be about you and taking care of yourself, so why not start the year off with a subscription that puts you first and on the road to physical and psychological well-being. Whether you are trying to reduce your anxiety, improve your sleep or fulfill your New Years resolution of putting yourself first, the Loti Wellness box is a Canadian subscription is a great choice for yourself or as a gift. Each box will have 5-8 full sized products that promote health and wellness, you might find some lifestyle items, bath body and beauty products, candles, aromatherapy, tea, jewelry, and other items that promote wellness. They are strong supports of small local businesses, plus they only use cruelty free, sustainable and natural products, that’s something to smile about! You’ll also get a therapeutic activity and material to partake in, with their products being chosen by therapists, it’s as if you are getting a specially curated box directly from a therapist, so save your money on a session and let them send you the tools to overcome all your ailments! You’ll also be happy to know that the donate a portion of all their sales towards the Elephant in the Room Campaign which is an anti-stigma campaign that helps to remove the stigma’s from mental illness. As someone who suffers first hand from anxiety, I can appreciate this box and everything they are trying to accomplish in encouraging positive thoughts and wellness.

A subscription costs $54.95 plus $5.99 shipping a month but retails for over $85 so it’s a steal! Plus, use code SBG15 for 15% off! Be sure to check out their blog as well, there is some helpful information for last months box on self care that is worth a read. I like that they say that self care is not being selfish. Luckily I’ve never thought that, I’ve always made time for myself with spa time where I have a relaxing bath with some relaxing bath salts, put on a face mask and just zone out or read. Find out more and order here;


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