Book of the Month – September 2019


Love seeing the new selection from Book of the Month! What did the judges choose this month? Maybe a mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, a gripping memoir, a dramatic love story, a tale of struggles, I can’t wait to find out! Each month 5 judges including a guest judge skim hundreds of books and select those hidden gem novels you’ve always wanted to read (not just those books on the bestseller list that every single person has read). Judges can include well known book editors, best selling authors and celebrities! On the first of the month the books are posted with a quick review to help you make your selection, then you simply choose one or more hardcovers by the 6th of the month! Here are the September selections to choose from;

  1. The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup – BOTM Quick take: This slow-burn Danish detective thriller follows a truly gory killer. Squeamish stomachs: You’ve been warned.
  2. This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger – BOTM Quick take: A coming-of-age odyssey that’ll leave you in awe of the rawness of the Great Depression and the American Midwest.
  3. If Only I Could Tell You by Hannah Beckerman – BOTM Quick take: A twisty, heart-wrenching family drama that’s ultimately uplifting (we swear). Hug your siblings and parents anyway.
  4. Wild Game by Adrienne Brodeur – BOTM Quick take: Inspirational in the sense that a young girl in a painful situation has moments of true optimism and compassion.
  5. Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore – BOTM Quick take: A little feminist, a little romantic, but mostly just fun—and downright dirty on top of that. Yes, please.

Only $14.99 for your first book. Add up to 2 additional books of your choice from the extra books section for only $9.99 each. Skip as often as you like, and free shipping everytime! Want to get your books for even cheaper? Sign up for a yearly subscription and it drops your price down to $12.50 a month plus any extras you add! New member to BOTM? New members can now get their first book for $9.99 when you join using code: ROOTED.  Order here;

Book of the Month


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