Barrelhouse Brine


Pickle time! Okay I think we all know I’m Caesar obsessed, and what makes a great Caesar? A fabulous garnish! The Barrelhouse Brine makes an amazing line of pickled products. Drool alert! Finally I got a chance to try their deeeelicious pickled pineapple spears! Ooooh so good too! I’m a big fan of their products now. Loving their sourback cocktail brine. I put a splash in my caesars and other cocktails too! My favourite food? Pickled beans. So cleeearly I’m a big fan of their pickled wax beans.

They are seasonal and locally canned, made with no added preservatives, but rather hand picked small batches of deliciously delightful pickles, vegetables, garlic, herbs and more! They sell Fresh Packed that are packed the day of harvest, for these they have regular ol’ dills, hot beans and hot pineapple slices – sooo good! The Crock-Cured pickles are lacto fermented in Medalta crocks up to 30 days, including the SourBack cocktail mix! Then Beer Brine pickles with massive crunch and sour goodness in a signature brine infused with local Craft beer, they have brussel sprouts and charred sweet onions.

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