Highnote Coffee Co.


Looking to fulfill your coffee obsession? Here we have Highnote Coffee Co. from California with an option for a subscription to get your daily dose of caffeine! They ensure that their coffee is high quality, great tasting, and roasted with you in mind. They’ve  done a cold brew coffee stout collaboration with companies like Golden State Brewery, yummmm! I need to try that! I think it’s great when companies collab with the breweries to make new fun beer. You can even order their coffee for events!

They have a few different options to purchase online. Choose from their beans from Africa the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Kochere and really nice Guatemala Huehuetenango, a CO-Op Capucas from Honduras, from Mexico Oaxaca Sociedad Cooperativa and their Cerrado Mineiro from Brazil. Mmmm, can you smell the fresh coffee almost brewing? They also have decaf options like their Swiss Water Cascadia Blend, an Espresso Blend and of course, the latest craze, cold brew coffee. You can also find some of their merchandise for sale online. Be sure to find their single serve coffee pouches as well!

They have a great deal of $14 for a 12oz bag of the roaster’s choice beans so you can try out new beans all the time! Order here;



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