

Need to keep the kiddos occupied? Want some new arts and crafts to keep them busy? MYFunvelope is the type of mail that your little ones will wait on the postman for! A fun little package of new arts and crafts each month! In this months we got 7 different and new projects. My nephews love arts and crafts, and this months Superman theme was absolutely PERFECT for Westy. He’s been in love with all the superhero’s lately, Spider-Man and Superman especially! Not to mention he’s been drawing and getting better and better every week! Not bad for a 4 year old! This months crafts were perfect for him and his little brother Myles who is still just starting out with colouring… getting a little more on his hands and face then the paper, heehee. There are enough activities to keep em’ busy, and the Superman cape and mask let them use their imagination while working on their mini masterpieces.

This Canadian kids subscription is only $18 a month and includes everything you need to complete that months activities! Order here;

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